JANUARY 16, 2018
In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, take notice that the Board of Directors of Parkway Utility District will meet in a regular session, open to the public at the District’s office located at 12843 Tidwell Road, Houston, Texas 77044, at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 16, 2018, to discuss, review, consider and act upon the following:
1. Public Comment;
2. Acclaim Energy Advisors Report, including review options for electrical service and terms;
3. Eco Waste & Recycling Monthly Report;
4. Constable’s Report, including monthly patrol service report:
a. Authorize renewal of Constable Contract;
5. Approval of Minutes of Meeting(s), including:
a. Special meeting on October 26, 2017;
b. Special meeting on December 5, 2017;
c. Special meeting on December 6, 2017;
d. Workshop meeting on December 14, 2017; and
e. Regular meeting on December 19, 2017;
6. System Project Management Report, including:
a. Update on status of traffic signals;
b. Discuss status of nuisance abatement; and
c. Discuss dates for traffic signal ribbon-cutting ceremony;
7. Tax Assessor/Collector’s Report, including:
a. Status of collections and pay bills from Tax Account; and
b. Delinquent Tax Roll;
8. Engineer’s Report, including:
a. Update on status of Beltway 8 Waterline Extension;
b. Update on status of Water Line Improvements Project and Sanitary Sewer Line on Deep Valley Drive;
c. Update on status of Water Plant Improvements Project;
d. Update on status of water and sewer analysis; and
e. Review of Emergency Preparedness Plan;
9. Bookkeeper’s Report, including:
a. Review of financial condition and investments; and
b. Approve payment of bills;
10. Operator’s Report, including:
a. Review of water plant operations;
b. Discuss customer billing procedures;
c. Review calendar for collection timeline; and
d. Approve terminations of service and/or write-offs of delinquent accounts;
11. PUD/GUD Joint Facilities, including:
a. Review of Wastewater Treatment Plant (“WWTP”) operations; including SSO Program Compliance
b. Update regarding WWTP outfall repair project;
c. Review of Surface Water Transmission Facility (“SWTF”) operations;
d. Update on Tidwell Road Widening Project, including Harris County offer to purchase land;
e. Discuss costs to clean and televise sanitary sewer trunk lines; and
f. Status of fine screen installation project;
12. Building Superintendent’s Report, including status of repairs to District Office;
13. District Website Report;
14. Attorney’s Report, including:
a. Update on status of Sunrise Holding Company LLC annexation;
b. Discuss status of Amended and Restated Wastewater Treatment Agreement with Greenwood UD;
c. Update on status of Sunrise Holding Company LLC annexation;
i. Acceptance of Petition for Annexation of Land;
ii. Authorize submittal of Petition for Consent to City of Houston; and
d. Discuss insurance renewal; obtain proposals (expires March 29);
15. Executive Session, as necessary;
a. As may be permitted by Sec. 551.072, Texas Gov’t Code, concerning real estate, security, or matters involving attorney-client privilege;
b. Reconvene in Open Session; and
c. Vote on matters discussed in Executive Session, if any.
EXECUTED this _______ day of January, 2018.
Ross J. Radcliffe / Elliot M. Barner
Radcliffe Bobbitt Adams Polley PLLC
Attorneys for the District

January 16, 2018 Agenda Signature