DECEMBER 6, 2017
The Board of Directors (the “Board” or “Directors”) of Parkway Utility District (the “District”) met in special session, at 6:30 p.m., at the District’s office located at 12843 Tidwell Road, Houston, Texas, on Wednesday, December 6, 2017, pursuant to notice of said meeting posted in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code; whereupon the roll was called of the members of the Board, to-wit:
Brenda McNeil – President
Alphonso P. Rettig, Jr. – Vice President
Jennifer Balderas – Secretary
Ron Everhart – Assistant Secretary
Gloria M. Woods – Director
All members of the Board were present. Also attending were: John Sherrington of Sherrington-Humble LLC (“Engineer” or “S-H”); and Elliot M. Barner of Radcliffe Bobbitt Adams Polley PLLC (“Attorney” or “RBAP”).
The President, after finding that the notice of the meeting was posted as required by law and determining that a quorum of the Board of Directors was present, called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. and declared it open for such business as may come before it.
Public Comment. The President then opened the meeting to public comment. As no public comments were offered, the President instructed the Board to proceed with the agenda.
Engineering Services. Mr. Sherrington and the Board discussed District projects and engineering services related to such projects.
Concerning the ten-inch (10″) Force Main and twelve-inch (12″) Waterline Project along Deep Valley, Mr. Sherrington reported that although CES Utilities, Inc. (“CES”) had completed construction of such project, there were several items that CES needed to do before he could recommend such project for acceptance. In response to a question regarding the condition of construction areas along Enchanted Path, Mr. Sherrington stated that he would follow up to determine if CES had restored such areas to the satisfaction of the property owners. In response to a question regarding the asphalt patch that CES performed in the intersection of Van Hut and Tidwell, Mr. Sherrington stated that CES claims Harris County (the “County”) informed them to make such patch because the County was going to make subsequent road improvements. Mr. Sherrington further stated that he asked CES for documentation of the County’s direction to CES.
Next, Mr. Sherrington updated that Board on the Water Plant Improvement Project and explained that he met with the contractor, Tidal Construction, Inc. (“Tidal”), on December 6, 2017. Mr. Sherrington then explained the water plant would need to be taken out of service for some period of time during such project, but that the timeline for doing so is unknown at this time. Mr. Sherrington reminded the Board that the District is almost entirely using surface water for serving customers and that taking the water plant out of service should not affect the District’s customers. Mr. Sherrington also reminded the Board that it has an interconnect with Greenwood Utility District (“Greenwood”) that would provide additional ground water in the event the District needed such water.
Mr. Sherrington then reported that design plans for the Beltway 8 Water Line Project are currently under review by the City of Houston and the County. Mr. Sherrington also reported that the District will need to cross an existing utility easement for the project and that the District will need to enter into a consent to encroach agreement with such utility provider. Mr. Sherrington reminded the Board that an extension of wastewater lines to the east side of Beltway 8 will need to be funded either by developers or by the District before properties on such side are able to be served.
Mr. Sherrington next reminded the Board that the District had approved annexing Sunrise Plastics, but that Sunrise Plastics purchased an additional property that needed to be added to the annexation.
Regarding the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (“RWWTP”) Project, Mr. Sherrington stated that the District currently has $675,000 for its share of design costs, but will need additional funds for such project. Mr. Sherrington added that he is coordinating with A&S Engineers to determine the estimated costs of the project.
In response to a question regarding customer complaints about brown water at the end of certain streets in Sunrise Pines, Mr. Sherrington explained that if the water lines located on such streets were isolated, it is possible that if so, some settlement of debris may be occurring. Mr. Sherrington recommended that the Board discuss the matter with the Operator further to determine if the water lines on such streets need to be flushed more frequently.
In response to a question regarding the frequency of S-H’s inspections of the District’s projects and facilities, Mr. Sherrington responded that S-H will make inspections as often as the Board desires. Mr. Sherrington stated that S-H will come out on a monthly basis to inspect the Water Plant Improvement Project. Mr. Sherrington noted the distance from his office to the District. Director Everhart stated that he thinks during the Water Plant Project, it is critical that S-H proactively oversees such project to ensure that such project is progressing as quickly as possible, especially during the period that the water plant is out of service. Mr. Sherrington also reminded the Board that Project Surveillance, Inc. (“PSI”) is the third-party inspector for S-H projects and that PSI provides weekly reports to S-H.
Discussion regarding the process for estimating project costs funded by bond issues and the timeline for completion of such project then ensued.
Discussion next ensued on the process for design and construction of repairs and improvements to facilities shared with Greenwood. The Board expressed its desire that the District provide more input on such repairs and improvements to such facilities. Mr. Barner then reminded the Board about the terms of the RWWTP Agreement and the Surface Water Transmission Facilities Agreement, including the District’s rights under such agreements. Mr. Barner also reminded the Board that the districts were about to begin the process for approving an amended and restated agreement to reflect the terms of designing, constructing, maintaining, operating and funding an expanded wastewater treatment plant. Mr. Barner stated that he intends to clarify such processes in order to address the Board’s concerns. Mr. Sherrington recommended that the District send a letter to Greenwood stating such concerns. Mr. Barner stated he would prepare such a letter.
PASSED AND APPROVED this the 24th day of January, 2018.
Secretary, Board of Directors

December 6, 2017 Minutes Signature