November 8, 2023
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Parkway Utility District (the “District”) convened in a regular session, at 12843 Tidwell Road, Houston, Texas 77044 at 6:15 p.m. A roll call was taken of the persons present:
Brenda McNeil, President
Ron Everhart, Vice President
Gloria Woods, Secretary
Cody Pogue, Investment Officer
Shiwann Simpson, Assistant Secretary
All Directors for Parkway UD were present, except Directors Everhart and Pogue, thus constituting a quorum. Also attending all or parts of the meeting were: Ms. Judy Osborn of McLennan & Associates, L.P. (“Bookkeeper” or “McLennan”), bookkeeper for the District; Ms. Delia Yanez of Assessments of the Southwest (“Tax Assessor-Collector”), tax assessor and collector for the District; Mr. Jeffery Bishop and Mr. Drew Alford of Quiddity, engineers for the District; Mr. Gary Syzek of Systems Project Management, General Manager for the District; Mr. Josh Maas with M. Marlon Ivy & Associates (“MMIA”), operator for the District; Ms. Karen Sears of Storm Water Solutions; Mr. Reginald Wilson and Ms. Madeline Lopez of Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP (“NRF”), attorneys for the District; and Mr. Jamal Singleton of Direct Waste Solutions.
In accordance with notice posted pursuant to law, copies of certificates of posting of which are attached hereto as Exhibit “A,” the following business was transacted:
Call to Order. Mr. Wilson called the meeting to order and proceeded with the meeting business.
1. Public Comments (2 minutes each). There were no public comments.
2. Approve the minutes of the meeting on October 11, 2023. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 11, 2023 were previously distributed to the Board and were presented for consideration and approval. Upon motion by Director Simpson, seconded by Director Woods, after full discussion and the question being put to the Board, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes.
3. Authorize auditor to prepare audit for fiscal year ending December 31, 2023. Mr. Wilson stated that the District entered in to a three year commitment with McCall Gibson Swedlund Barfoot PLLC. Upon motion by Director Simpson, seconded by Director Woods, after full discussion and the question being put to the Board, the Board voted unanimously to authorize McCall Gibson Swedlund Barfoot PLLC to prepare the audit for fiscal year ending December 31, 2023.
4. Report from Direct Waste Solutions. Mr. Singleton stated there were four recycling days averaging 2.7 tons per week.
5. Report from General Manager. President McNeil recognized Mr. Syzek, who reviewed and presented the District’s General Manager’s Report, a copy is attached as Exhibit “B.”
Mr. Syzek reported on the HGSD Water Conservation Sponsorship, stating Monahan Elementary School has not responded. He noted the District can sponsor another school in the area. He continued to discuss the H2O Lab Program.
Mr. Syzek reported on the Office Building Roof Repairs. He noted the total repairs cost was $550.
Mr. Syzek reported on the Current Regional Drought Status, stating City of Houston remains in Stage 2. He continued to review the Texas Drought Monitor map.
Mr. Syzek reported on Greenwood Utility District Drilling New Groundwater Well.
Mr. Syzek reported on the Harris County Drainage Improvements – Hidden Meadow.
Director McNeil discussed the District possibly receiving trees from Trees of Houston, stating Trees of Houston will maintain the trees at no cost. She stated she will forward the information to legal for review.
6. Report by Harris County Precinct Three Constable, including community Crime Watch, and action relating to Security. This item was deferred.
7. Tax Assessor and Collector’s Report, status of delinquent tax accounts, and payment of bills. Ms. Yanez presented to and reviewed with the Board the Tax Assessor-Collector’s Report for October a copy of which is attached as Exhibit “C.” Ms. Yanez reported that 2.74% of the District’s 2023 taxes have been collected as of October 31, 2023.
Ms. Yanez presented 2 checks and 2 wires to the Board for review and approval.
Ms. Yanez reviewed the delinquent tax role.
Upon motion by Director Woods, seconded by Director Simpson, after a full discussion and the question being put to the Board, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Tax Assessor and Collector’s Report.
8. Bookkeeper’s Report, Investment Report, payment of bills, and take any necessary action. Ms. Osborn reviewed the Bookkeeper’s Report and quarterly investment report, copies of which are attached as Exhibit “D.”
Ms. Osborn reviewed the various fund balances.
Ms. Osborn presented checks and deposit refunds for Board approval. She noted checks no. 2404 to Donna Rice for $15.70, and no. 2405 to Director McNeil for $21.63 were written.
Ms. Osborn reviewed the schedule of investments through current day.
Ms. Osborn reviewed the Investment report for October with the Board.
Ms. Osborn reported that the next debt service payment is not due until March 1, 2024.
Ms. Osborn reviewed budget information and the budget comparison through October.
Ms. Osborn reported on the Water surface facility with Greenwood and reviewed Parkway Utility District’s portion.
Ms. Osborn reviewed draft no. 1 of the proposed budget for fiscal year ending December 31, 2024.
Upon motion by Director Woods, seconded by Director Simpson, after a full discussion and the question being put to the Board, the Board voted unanimously to approve the bookkeeper’s report.
9. Operator’s Report from M. Marlon Ivy & Associates. Mr. Maas presented and reviewed with the board the Operator’s Report, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “E.”
Mr. Maas reported Parkway currently has 2441 active connections.
Mr. Maas reviewed the bill and collections report for September 22,2023 through October 23, 2023 with the Board.
Mr. Maas reviewed the production and sales report and stated the District has 98.98% accountability.
Mr. Maas reviewed historical data over a 4 month average.
Mr. Maas stated there were no violations at the wastewater treatment plant.
Mr. Maas discussed leak repairs done in the District.
Upon motion by Director Simpson, seconded by Director Woods, after full discussion and the question being put to the Board, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Operator’s Report.
10. Receive and approve Engineer’s Report, including approval of pay estimates and authorize action relating to plans and projects, including conveyances of real property and/or District facilities. Mr. Alford presented to and reviewed with the Board the Engineer’s Report, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit “F.”
Mr. Alford provided an update regarding the water well no. 1 re-work stating Quiddity received three bids for the project. He stated Quiddity recommends awarding the project to C&C Water Services in the amount of $386,551. Discussion ensued regarding C&C Water Services. Upon inquiry by Director Simpson, Mr. Bishop discussed C&C Water Services’ work product. Upon motion by Director Woods, seconded by Director Simpson, after full discussion and the question being put to the Board, the Board voted unanimously to award the Water Well No. 1 Re-work project to C&C Water Services in the amount of $386,551.
Mr. Alford provided an update regarding the Sunrise Plastic Enterprise potential annexation. He stated he awaits the submittal of documents from Sunrise Plastics to finalize the annexation application and documents.
Mr. Alford reported on Global New Millennium Development stating they are continuing with the design for the initial phase Gas Station, Burger King, and Tidwell Road extension. He stated they received plans and provided a review letter to the engineer.
Mr. Alford reported on Global New Millennium Lift Station and Form Main (Lift Station No. 8), stating they are proceeding with the design of Lift Station No. 8 and force main now that the private development site design has progressed.
Mr. Alford reported on Sierra Ranch and Stonefield Terrace Section 3 Drainage Improvement Project, stating they are waiting for Harris County to acquire land from HOA before proceeding further.
Mr. Alford provided an update regarding the Tidwell Road Basin and Storm Sewer Improvement Project, stating they met with Harris County Engineering and their project team to walk the project. He noted there will be a preconstruction meeting scheduled in November, and Director McNeil and Mr. Syzek will be invited to attend.
Mr. Alford reported on the Lead and Copper Rule Revision Requirements, stating the District is required to perform a lead service line inventory of the public and private water system and submit to the TCEQ by October 16, 2024. He stated they are ready to proceed with the completion of the required service line inventory. Upon inquiry by Director Simpson, Mr. Bishop stated there will not be any interruption with residents’ water service. Mr. Bishop further discussed compiling data in spreadsheet and submitting to TCEQ. Upon motion by Director Simpson, seconded by Director Woods, after full discussion and the question being put to the Board, the Board voted unanimously to authorize Quiddity to proceed with Lead Service Line Inventory.
Mr. Alford reported on Water Plant No. 2, stating they are proceeding with design phase services for the new site and water plant facility.
Mr. Alford reported on the Surface Water Transfer Facility stating the facility is online and R&B Group are addressing the punchlist items.
Mr. Alford reported on the Surface Water Transfer Facility Expansion stating the contractor, Gemini Contracting Services, Inc. is proceeding with submittals and material procurement.
Mr. Alford provided an update regarding Wastewater Treatment Plant Clearing, Grubbing, and Detention, stating the contractor, Texcon Development, Inc. (“Texcon”) has corrected the storm sewer elevation issue. Discussion ensued regarding reconciliation for overpayment to Texcon. Mr. Wilson stated legal will follow-up with Greenwood Utility District’s consultants on this matter.
Mr. Alford provided an update regarding the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion project and recommended payment of pay application no. 30. Upon motion by Director Woods, seconded by Director Simpson, after full discussion and the question being put to the Board, the Board voted unanimously to authorize payment of pay application no. 30 to Greenwood Utility District.
Upon motion by Director Simpson, seconded by Director Woods, after full discussion and the question being put to the Board, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Engineer’s Report.
11. Report from Storm Water Solutions, and take any necessary action. Ms. Sears reviewed a report from Storm Water Solutions, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “G.” Ms. Sears reviewed photographs of the various ponds throughout the District and discussed services completed and upcoming services needed.
Ms. Sears discussed possibly installing security cameras to monitor Stonefield Terrace Drainage Channel. She stated she will present options to the Board next meeting.
Ms. Sears stated she received proposal for removing old riprap and filling in areas around two outfalls at Sunrise Pines Detention Pond. She noted they are looking for a more permanent repair and she will present an estimate to the Board next month.
Ms. Sears reviewed reminder for residents not to blow leaves in the storm sewer system.
* * *
The foregoing minutes were passed and approved by the Board of Directors on December 13, 2023.
Secretary, Board of Directors